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Yn Ysgol Hery Richard Yr Aeth LEB Construction Nol I Addysg

Writer's picture: LEB ConstructionLEB Construction

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

Y mae LEB Construction wedi ennill tendr cystadleuol i drosi’r pwll nofio mewn i Cylch Meithrin newydd ar safle Ysgol Henry Richard, Tregaron.

Yn gweithio gyda’n cleient hirsefydlog, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, yn mis Mai 2021 fyddw’n yn cychwyn ar y priosect o ddymchweli’r bloc newid presennol, trosi’r ardal pwll nofio a cwblhau gwaith allanol i roi cyfleuster Cylch Meithrin modern i’r ardal.

Gweithiodd LEB Construction yn yr Ysgol nol yng 2017, pryd adeiladwyd canolfan ynni modern a gwaith cysylltiedig ar y safle.

“Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i ddychwelyd nol i Ysgol Henry Richard dros y misoedd nesaf i cwblhau’r priosect o roi cyfleuster meithrin newydd yn yr ysgol. Rydym hefyd yn falch i parhau ein perthynas gweithio da efo Cyngor Sir Ceredigion.”, esboniodd Luke Baker, sylfaenydd a rheolwr gyfarwyddwr LEB Construction.


LEB Construction has won a competitive tender to convert a swimming pool into a new nursery at Ysgol Henry Richard, Tregaron.

Working with long-standing client Ceredigion County Council, the project will start in May 2021 and involves the demolition of the existing changing block, conversion of the swimming pool space and external works to provide a modern Clych Meithrin facility for the area.

LEB Construction worked at the school in 2017, building a modern energy centre and associated works.

Luke Baker, founder and managing director at LEB Construction explains: “We are looking forward to returning to Ysgol Henry Richard to complete this project over the coming months to provide a new nursery facility at the school. We’re also pleased to continue our good working relationship with Ceredigion County Council.”

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